What does it mean to be Missional ?

The term missional is an adjective that describes the fact that a church totally aligns itself with the missio Dei ( the mission of God). Christ Jesus prayed to the Father, “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world,” (John 17.18). This truth reveals that the church is to be missional, on mission, acting as “sent ones” in this world. The church is formed to continue the mission that began in the heart of the Father, was seen in the life of the Son, and is to continue in the Spirit empowered endeavors of the church. The basic premise of the missional church is that “missions” is not an organization or program of a church. Missions constitute the very essence or nature of the church.

This blog will be dedicated to leading all of us who engage in this conversation to find ways to be missional in New Orleans or where God has placed us. I will publish suggestions for missional activites on a regular basis as well as food for thought that is designed to make us become missional. It is my hope that my thoughts and suggestions will serve as a motivation for all of us to be about
missio Dei .

Sunday, December 19, 2010

“God With Us’

December 19

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Passage Isaiah 7:10-16

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.

I wonder-how many of us really believe that God is with us? After all, isn’t that what religion is all about ? No matter how many times we read this passage of Isaiah we still seem to have our doubts. A good reason to observe Advent as a time of preparation is to pursue these doubts and bring them to a conclusion. As we turn into the final stretch of this season let’s bear down on our proclamation of “God with Us’” and live life as if we can see him by our side.

  • How will you practice “God with us“ this week?
  • Ponder some times that you really felt the presence of God.
  • Read through the entire passage three times and imagine a world with “God with you” every moment of the day

 As you worship this Sunday invite God to be with you.

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