What does it mean to be Missional ?

The term missional is an adjective that describes the fact that a church totally aligns itself with the missio Dei ( the mission of God). Christ Jesus prayed to the Father, “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world,” (John 17.18). This truth reveals that the church is to be missional, on mission, acting as “sent ones” in this world. The church is formed to continue the mission that began in the heart of the Father, was seen in the life of the Son, and is to continue in the Spirit empowered endeavors of the church. The basic premise of the missional church is that “missions” is not an organization or program of a church. Missions constitute the very essence or nature of the church.

This blog will be dedicated to leading all of us who engage in this conversation to find ways to be missional in New Orleans or where God has placed us. I will publish suggestions for missional activites on a regular basis as well as food for thought that is designed to make us become missional. It is my hope that my thoughts and suggestions will serve as a motivation for all of us to be about
missio Dei .

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Missional Suggestion #4

Become a Person of Prayer
One of the most important habits a missional person can possess is being a person of prayer. As we live the missional life it is vital that we stay in touch with God. Prayer is communication with God. It is through prayer that we gather strength, insight and openness to be a missional people. For thousands of years people have prayed. Prayer has taken on different forms. Some people pray in silence. Others pray in groups. Still others pray using ancient rituals. How do you pray ? Do you pray ?
To pursue the missio dei (mission of God),prayer is a must. It is the very heart of the missional life.
What are the prayers of the missional person?
  • strength for the journey
  • for enemies
  • opportunities for service
  • personal sins
  • blessings of the day
  • people with needs

What are some ways to pray?

Just remember missional life begins with prayer. Let me suggest to you that you set aside 10 minutes a day for prayer. Try it this week. Start Sunday and keep this habit through the week and it could really change your life.

That's this week's suggestion ! Take 10 minutes a day for prayer.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Missional Suggestion #3

Do Something !
The prophet tells us : "And the crowds asked him, “What then should we do?” In reply he said to them, “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” (Luke 3:10-11) The crowd was speaking to John the Baptist about how they would live the Missional life. They were confused and waiting for the Rabbis to tell them what to do. Perhaps Synagogue's Missions Committee would set up a program so that they could "plug In". Instead John said: JUST DO IT !
What should we do ? Do as the prophet said two thousand years ago. Share as you go, give your personal property away to those who are in need, live a life of simply caring about others. Caring becomes a way of life and the first thing you know it will be better to give than to receive.
OK, some action suggestions:
  • Give something of your own to a person in need.
  • Give food or help to a homeless person (it doesn't matter WHY they are homeless).
  • Give a smile or a kind word to a stranger.
  • Pick up some trash in your neighborhood--just because.
  • Volunteer at a park,zoo or hospital.
  • Become a mentor for a child.

These are just a few ways that you can just do something Missional this week. The message -DON'T WAIT- just do it !

Friday, January 16, 2009

Missional Suggestion #2

Encourage Someone
Luke tells us of the apostle Paul, "When he had gone through those regions and had given the believers much encouragement." Acts 20:2. It seems that the real calling of a Christian is to be an encourager. The question arises-How can you encourage someone?
Let me offer a few suggestions:

  • Write someone a handwritten note of just plain appreciation for just being your friend.
  • Call someone early in the morning and tell them something positive but true to start their day. (what a great pick up for the day)
  • Write someone a prayer note.
  • Smile at the waitress, cashier, stranger....
  • Take someone out to lunch ( that means you pay).
  • Allow merging traffic to merge!!
  • Buy flowers or candy for your wife, husband,partner,girlfriend or child.

Let's all make this week the week we are intentional and missional about being encouragers. You can and will make a difference.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Missional Suggestion #1

Create a Treasure for Someone
Most of us who grew up in New Orleans can remember Pontchartrain Beach. It was a place of fun and wonder for kids and adults alike. The Zephyr, Wild Mouse and, of course, the Beach are gone. The "Beach" bit the dust more than two decades ago. There is, however, a small remnant of the fun that still exists, and that's where the treasure is found.
It is located across Lakeshore Drive from UNO. The small strip of sand and crumbling relic of what's left of the "Ragin Cajun" still remain. A few days ago my grandaughter, Emma, wanted to go to the beach and collect some treasures- just little pieces of sea shells and even rocks that she considers pretty. It seems that long ago I stopped collecting treasures, but it is amazing what a three year old will motivate you to do. Our adventure called for the finest of supplies, a shovel, bucket, beach towel and some water so we wouldn't die of thirst. We searched for an hour and excavated many unknown areas and found a jar full of treasures.
Now what does this have to do with being missional ? It's real simple.There are people everywhere who need a treasure in their lives . Treasure is time you spend with them,kind words you say to them and small things you do for them. The real key is not what we do, but why we do it ? Jesus said, ''I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." The missional suggestion this week is to create a treasure for someone.