What does it mean to be Missional ?

The term missional is an adjective that describes the fact that a church totally aligns itself with the missio Dei ( the mission of God). Christ Jesus prayed to the Father, “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world,” (John 17.18). This truth reveals that the church is to be missional, on mission, acting as “sent ones” in this world. The church is formed to continue the mission that began in the heart of the Father, was seen in the life of the Son, and is to continue in the Spirit empowered endeavors of the church. The basic premise of the missional church is that “missions” is not an organization or program of a church. Missions constitute the very essence or nature of the church.

This blog will be dedicated to leading all of us who engage in this conversation to find ways to be missional in New Orleans or where God has placed us. I will publish suggestions for missional activites on a regular basis as well as food for thought that is designed to make us become missional. It is my hope that my thoughts and suggestions will serve as a motivation for all of us to be about
missio Dei .

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

God Moments

Psalm 118:24-29

We have all had them. Those special moments frozen in time. Those moments that will be remembered when we are very old and sit daydreaming about life. They are gifts of God to cherish into eternity.

Everything is more sharply focused in that instant, time stands still, the rest of the world disappears. For this one tiny piece of life, everything is more precious, and God grants a brief interlude in the usual business of living.

The stories of the birth of Christ are full of such moments. Imagine the moment when Mary spoke to God’s messenger, Gabriel. Picture the moment when Elizabeth and her unborn child, John the Baptizer, recognized the unborn Messiah and His Mother. See the awe on the faces of simple shepherds listening to a choir from heaven. Watch the puzzled expressions on the faces of the Magi as they researched the strange new star. Witness the joy on the face of the prophetess, Anna, when she looked on the beautiful, innocent face of the infant Jesus.

Advent gives us unusual opportunities for God moments. Touching moments. Funny moments. Heart-breaking moments. Moments that happen once in a lifetime. Moments that reveal our hearts and clarify our faith. The specialness of the season offers moments of forgiveness and reconciliation. Our spirits sense the hope and joy that Christ’s birth gives the world, and miraculous moments come alive. Eternal moments for ministering to others, in the name of Christ present them selves.

If we are not careful, we will let these special times slip by unnoticed. They can never be recalled. Once passed, they are lost in an eternity of seconds, minutes, hours, days. Learn to recognize when you are part of something much larger than yourself. Take notice of “God Moments” in your life this Advent.

Reflection – Remember some special God moments in your life.
Monica Boudreaux

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