Encourage Someone

Luke tells us of the apostle Paul, "When he had gone through those regions and had given the believers much encouragement." Acts 20:2. It seems that the real calling of a Christian is to be an encourager. The question arises-How can you encourage someone?
Let me offer a few suggestions:
- Write someone a handwritten note of just plain appreciation for just being your friend.
- Call someone early in the morning and tell them something positive but true to start their day. (what a great pick up for the day)
- Smile at the waitress, cashier, stranger....
- Take someone out to lunch ( that means you pay).
- Allow merging traffic to merge!!
- Buy flowers or candy for your wife, husband,partner,girlfriend or child.
Let's all make this week the week we are intentional and missional about being encouragers. You can and will make a difference.
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