What does it mean to be Missional ?
This blog will be dedicated to leading all of us who engage in this conversation to find ways to be missional in New Orleans or where God has placed us. I will publish suggestions for missional activites on a regular basis as well as food for thought that is designed to make us become missional. It is my hope that my thoughts and suggestions will serve as a motivation for all of us to be about missio Dei .
Monday, November 9, 2009
Just a Thought
• What am I really thankful for this year?
• What will I do to prepare for the coming of Jesus?
• What will MY Christmas celebration look like?
Let us begin this inward journey towards Christmas.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
That’s my word for the week. If the church needs anything, it needs enthusiasm. This past Sunday a number of people came forward to pray during our altar call. Such actions stir the soul to go forth with the message of Christ to the world. There are so many people in our world who are searching for something that gives them reason to soar. Mr. Wesley knew long ago that people are drawn to enthusiasm. Our challenge is to be enthusiastic people who just naturally lead people to want to know about the Christian journey.
Enthusiasm is a state of mind that cannot be hidden. It defines who we are and how we act. It brings a smile to our face and kind words to our lips. Practice enthusiasm and it will be as infectious as the flu. We are followers of the “MOST HIGH GOD” – what could be more exciting?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Missional Suggestion #14
Forgiveness: The Church's Business
The church is not in the morals business. The world is in the morals business, quite rightfully; and it has done a fine job of it, all things considered. The history of the world's moral codes is a monument to the labors of many philosophers, and it is a monument of striking unity and beauty. As C. S. Lewis said, anyone who thinks the moral codes of mankind are all different should be locked up in a library and be made to read three days' worth of them. He would be bored silly by the sheer sameness.
Is the word forgiveness the priority word in you Christian life or perhaps its another word. A young lady told me not long ago--"I come to church to get guidance and answers and the church gives me questions." Today I have n answer.The most important business of the church is forgiveness. It is what the church exists to do and out of forgiveness the wok o the church will flow. Your Missional task this week is to forgive.
- Forgive without getting it straight.
- Forgive before you know the whole story.
- Forgive before the other says I'm sorry(I was wrong)
- Forgive because it defines you.
- Forgive because its what Christians do !
Monday, October 19, 2009
The older I get the less sure I am about so many things. Age has a way of making us turn to God as the compass of life. The things I really know and rely upon I have found in scripture, times of prayer, and worship. We live in a world that demands answers and yet our best answer is to say we wait upon the Lord.
The word for the week is WAIT.
• Wait for God to answer your prayers.
• Wait for your children to grow mature.
• Wait for your job to improve.
• Wait to get well.
• Wait to understand the ways of God.
28Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. 29He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless. 30Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; 31but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Monday, October 12, 2009
Just a Thought #2
In life, there are two birds. The one bird looks for foolishness and stupidity, the other looks for wisdom. The vultures seek to fill themselves with the rotting flesh of drunkenness and debauchery, the hummingbird sobriety, freshness, and the Spirit. In the desert of this world you have your scavengers who are angry and ungrateful, but you also have those who hum a grateful hymn of thanksgiving. The irony is that you find what you are looking for.
I'm sure that all of us want to find what is wonderful and fresh. We want to be in the company of people and things that ad value to our lives. Unfortunately we sometimes seek out the wrong things. We find ourselves drawn to things and people that diminish us rather than build us. Remember, it all there for us to find.
Missional Suggestion #15
In a recent ride along Bayou St. John I noticed a mother duck and her ducklings swimming in the bayou. I stopped as she came on shore and began to lead them to a new spot. One of the ducklings began to lag behind the group and suddenly the volume of her “quacks" went up to an ear crushing sound. Sure enough the little slacker knew that it was a signal to speed up and catch up. He did and the rhymic quacking continued as they moved to a place to rest.
You may ask, how can this relate to the missional practice of a Christian?
Let's think about that for a moment.
- The ducklings began as a unit. It was not the mother duck that left the duckling behind but the duckling that moved slower than the rest.
- The mother duck had the best and the brightest duckling right behind her.
- The slacker was slowing down the journey.
- The slacker caused the mother to expend more energy.
- We must allow for those who don't follow the crowd.
- We must set the pace of our journey so that all can travel.
- We must expend energy and time to help those who are less motivated.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Missional Suggestion #13
How is silence a Missional activity?
- Silence allows us to focus on God.
- Silence allows us to think outside of ourselves
- Silence creates an attitude of other worldliness
- Silence gives value to others
The more we listen to God, the more capable we are of listening to each other. As we listen, we hear needs and cries from our friends and neighbors that have been lost in the noise of this world. If we are to be about the mission of God then we have to take time to become people of silence.
Each of us wants to be all we can be as disciples of Jesus Christ. Let me suggest that you carve out some time each day that you observe total intential silence. If daily doesn't then do it weekly but DO IT. God will richly bless your efforts.
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's called Rethink Church. The objective is to present a church that has many doors, many ways of coming into the Christian faith. It even implies by its title, these are different ways to become aChristian and do church. For far too long we have thought of church in a linear way, one way, one idea and no room for differences. The postmodern world of 21st century dictates to us we must Rethink Church. Today's church must be seen as a place that is inviting, welcoming and receiving. The church of today must open multiple doors so it can be seen as a place of welcome, as a place of refuge, and more than anything else a place of love and acceptance.
If you click on the links both in the title and contained in his blog post, you will be taken to sites that will allow you to receive a plethora of information about Rethink Church and other revelent topics. Please take the time to follow the links so that you may know more about ways that you can really Rethink church and become a vital missional people.Missional Suggestion #12

- Write an unsolicited note to someone.
- Take someone to coffee or lunch.
- Make a phone call to someone who doesn't receive many.
- Intentionally develop a new friend.
- Give your time someone.
Be a friend to someone this week
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Missional Suggestion #11
So the Missional suggestion is:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Missional Suggestion #10
- The cashier at the coffee shop,grocery ...
- The postman
- The garbage collector
- The person who is 50 feet away from you at the office.
- The kid in your class that never utters a word.
- The members of the church choir.
- The person who walks (jogs-they may not want to speak but who knows)by your house every day.
- That person you see every time you are in that restaurant.
That just a list to get you started. There are so many more. If you have a few suggestions just send me an email or post a comment. Take time to be the "salt and light" of the world.
An Easter Thought
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
MissionalSuggestion #9
- Love and respect people who disagree with them.
- Give without qualification.
- Never expect payback.
- Know that they are sinners.
- Say hello first.
- Forgive the unforgivable.
That's a bit of a tough list but it is a good beginning. We as missional people must be kind and likable so that we have opportunities to be the salt and light of the world. After all if we don't help-WHO WILL ?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Just a Thought #1
Monday, March 9, 2009
Missional Suggestion #8
- Do a chore for someone who is sick
- Invite someone to have coffee with you
- Write a note of encouragement
- Pray for strangers
I hope you get the idea. Just take the time to give of yourself by serving others.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Missional Suggestion #7

When we think of fasting we think of food and we are quite correct to do so. A fast from food reminds us of our dependence an God and each other.Fasting is not a diet; it is a discipline that enables us to focus our attention toward prayer. Fasting can give us a great sensitivity to hear God. When you are hungry …pray…or you may say, “feast on God.” This turns our thoughts from ourselves to focus toward the heart of God. Fasts I would like to suggest :- The John Wesley fast--Each Thursday evening, after the evening meal, until mid-afternoon on each Friday, John Wesley would not take solid food but fasted and focused much of his time in prayer.
- The sunup to sundown fast on Friday
Non Food Fasts
- fasting from anger
- fasting from any arguments with a certain person
- fasting from criticism of a certain set of people, but letting God take care of their change
- Give to a new Charity
- Volunteer your services to a shelter or some other non-profit
- Give an anonymous gift to someone
Prayer is the most essential element of the Christian life.Withpout prayer we are cut off from God and powerless. The question is not whether to pray but how to pray ? Jesus gave his disciples a prayer that we would all do well to use at the start of each day. Use it and the other suggestions below.
- Pray the Lord's Prayer
- Begin a prayer journal
- Use a daily office
Friday, February 20, 2009
Missional Suggestion #6

Our challenge is to finds ways that we can practice hospitalty in our everyday lives. When the "open door" becomes a way of life for us God will bring blessings to our lives. We can all practice hospitality in simple ways. Here are a few.
- Throw a party and invite someone new.
- Greet strangers as Jesus did.
- Invite someone to your home for a meal.
- Host mission volunteers.
- Prepare someone's favorite food for them.
- Turn the TV off and log off the computor when a guest arrives.
- Simply welcome unexpected guests.
- Make your guest feel like you are interested in them.
Dictionary.com defines hospitality as "the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers." I think the keyword here is "friendly" because we can receive people and show no feelings at all.
We can receive them coldly, or make it obvious that we're put out.I think in our American culture many of us have forgotten what it means to be hospitable. Sure we all put on a good face when we have people over on our terms (like for a dinner party), but what about being hospitable when it is an inconvenience for us? I think about when people stop by our home and we're watching TV. I can think of at least one incident where the guests though they were "interrupting." Shame on me.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Missional Suggestion #5
- The cashier
- The waitress
- The person you pass when walking
- The school crossing guard
- The garbage collector
- The person at church who sits “over there”
It could be a revolutionary thing to be missionally mined enough to learn to call people by name. This week’s missional suggestion is learn someone’s name.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Missional Suggestion #4

- strength for the journey
- for enemies
- opportunities for service
- personal sins
- blessings of the day
- people with needs
What are some ways to pray?
- spontaneous prayer-- just talking to God
- the Psalms
- silence
- written prayers or write your own
Just remember missional life begins with prayer. Let me suggest to you that you set aside 10 minutes a day for prayer. Try it this week. Start Sunday and keep this habit through the week and it could really change your life.
That's this week's suggestion ! Take 10 minutes a day for prayer.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Missional Suggestion #3
- Give something of your own to a person in need.
- Give food or help to a homeless person (it doesn't matter WHY they are homeless).
- Give a smile or a kind word to a stranger.
- Pick up some trash in your neighborhood--just because.
- Volunteer at a park,zoo or hospital.
- Become a mentor for a child.
These are just a few ways that you can just do something Missional this week. The message -DON'T WAIT- just do it !
Friday, January 16, 2009
Missional Suggestion #2

- Write someone a handwritten note of just plain appreciation for just being your friend.
- Call someone early in the morning and tell them something positive but true to start their day. (what a great pick up for the day)
- Smile at the waitress, cashier, stranger....
- Take someone out to lunch ( that means you pay).
- Allow merging traffic to merge!!
- Buy flowers or candy for your wife, husband,partner,girlfriend or child.
Let's all make this week the week we are intentional and missional about being encouragers. You can and will make a difference.